Healing Lupus

From Gut Disorders to Skin Inflammation…….

Lupus… a Reversible Disorder

1.5 million people in the United States have Lupus. “There has been only one new Lupus treatment introduced in the past 50 years, and our most powerful drugs used are designed to shut down the immune system, causing difficult-to-manage side effects.” The symptoms of Lupus impacts our lungs, skin, kidneys, heart, brain, teeth/gums, bones, and our metabolic and endocrine systems. Why is this? Because the skin, the nervous system and the immune system are not independent systems but are closely associated and use the same language – they influence neurotransmitters.

Below are some notes from my Lupus powerpoint.

Lupus can also be linked to neurotoxins leaking from breast implants. Interested? Invite me, Connie Rogers, to speak at your next event.

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