Parathyroid Health

Parathyroid: Balancing it with diet can be achieved.

Now this is probably something you haven’t heard before.

The right food choices can help bring your body back into balance.

What are Parathyroid glands?

Parathyroid glands are small glands of the endocrine system which are located in the neck behind the thyroid. Parathyroid glands control the calcium in our bodies–how much calcium is in our bones, and how much calcium is in our blood. The most important endocrine glands which function in coordination with one another, are the pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid and adrenal glands.

Why we need calcium?

Calcium plays an important role in the aging epidermis. Calcium imbalances play a role in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Calcium is important in maintaining your body’s pH levels and promoting alkalinity, as many health problems are the result of an over acid state arising from the “typical Western diet” including refined sugar, refined salt, alcohol abuse, and high fructose corn syrup.

Calcium acts as an anti-oxidant, combatting free radicals that are implicated in diseases including cancer. In particular it is thought to be helpful in protecting against colon cancer. Calcium is so important for the proper functioning of muscles, nerves and the blood.

Disorders of Parathyroid hormone affect serum levels of calcium and phosphorus.

How do you get your calcium?

Calcium is a mineral that comes from the ground. Excellent sources of calcium include (GREENS) kale, turnip greens, mustard greens, sprouts, and collard greens.  Spirulina is high in plant protein and calcium.

What happens with a calcium imbalance?

Nerve diseases such as Parkinson’s and palsy are connected to parathyroid disorders, the kidneys can be affected due to faulty calcium metabolism. Tooth decay can be an indicator of a parathyroid disturbance because of its connection to calcium distribution.

Parathyroid disease is classified as too much calcium however  it can be listed as “calcium stagnation.”

What can damage calcium balance?

*Aluminum-containing antacids, including Maalox (TM) and Mylanta (TM), may increase the urinary and stool loss of calcium.

*Consuming Synthetic vitamin D vitamins.

*Certain antibiotics, including gentamicin, erythromycin, neomycin, isoniazid, sulfamethoxazole, tobramycin and cycloserine may interfere with calcium absorption and/or utilization.

*Dairy doesn’t give the body any absorbable calcium it needs. Dairy that contains high levels of hormones can disrupt hormones   High levels of calcium in the blood, or hypercalcemia, is ultimately due to  hormone imbalances.

*What happens with a diet high in poor choices of calcium?

Efficiency of mineral absorption is disrupted and more calcium is left in the intestine to be excreted.

One needs to have good gut microbiome, (good bacteria) in order to balance calcium levels. (Gut Microbiome/Parathyroid axis)

What does MSG & Aspartame have to do with the parathyroid?

The answer is Inflammation!!

Excitotoxins can damage the hypothalamus.

*The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that monitors the body.  It is the body’s “sensor”.  Hormones and temperatures are measured and based on this info.  The hypothalamus sends out signals to the “master gland” the pituitary located just underneath it, and behind the eyes.  The pituitary gland then sends out chemical signals that direct the entire endocrine system.(OUR HORMONAL SYSTEM)  This includes the thyroid, as well as all the other endocrine glands in the body.  “Damage to the hypothalamus affects the entire body.” (Dr Blaylock)

*MSG can damage the hypothalamus as proven by Olney in experiments so groundbreaking that American food companies took MSG out of baby food after the results of Olney’s study were released to the public.

Time for balance.

1-Avoid alcohol and aspartame. Alcohol and aspartame can leave you with acidosis- a pH imbalance. Alcohol excess may inhibit calcium absorption and bone formation. Diet Sodas can destroy our levels of phosphorus.

2-Lower your animal protein intake. Too much protein irritates the immune system, keeping it in a state of overactivity. Too much protein causes fluid imbalance in the kidneys, so calcium levels may be off.

3-Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine and dehydration.  Caffeine is an endocrine disruptor. Parathyroid affects your hormones, calcium levels plus your kidneys. Caffeine-containing beverages may increase the production of stomach acid and adds to dehydration, straining the kidneys.

4- Remove processed foods and toxic salts found in canned foods and dairy in order to build good gut microbiome. Choose to eat colorful plates of veggies and fruits first. All organic of course! Maca is known for balancing the endocrine organs and is beneficial for the immune system, including the gut.

5- Some doctors recommend chelation therapy, a treatment that can be used to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the bloodstream.

6- Get sunshine. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin through the sun.

7- Talk to a Certified Health Coach.

Connie is a Certified Integrative Nutritional Holistic Health Coach / Reiki Master. Expert in toxins that disrupt our skin, metabolic & endocrine health.  She reminds you that there are plenty of “bite sized pieces” of the latest fully researched health information now available to you as you interact with her services. Consult with me here.

Connie believes it is her purpose, and it is her passion, to assist people in their healing journey to wellness.



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(Disclaimer: see your doctor before starting any health program)

The Importance of Organic Calcium vs inorganic calcium

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