Medicine Cabinet Makeover

Change your medicine cabinet into a healthy non-toxic space!
Organic Essential Oils are the new “Health Cabinet”.  You can save a fortune when you discover simple ways to use Organic, Non- Toxic, Uncut Essential Oils.




Organic Peppermint Essential Oil– an essential oil that has long been credited as being useful in combating stomach ailments, muscle and joint pain, and high altitude headaches.



Organic Lavender Essential Oil–  is the essential oil most commonly associated with calming the body, sleep issues and skin burns or rashes.





Organic Frankincense Essential Oil–  may be used for coughs, colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, antidepressant, fever, sores, ulcers, antiseptic, astringent, digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic and expectorant. It is noted to have remarkable rejuvenating and healing properties and is excellent in skin care.





Organic Ginger Root Essential Oil–  is believed by aromatherapists to be applicable for colds and flu, nausea, indigestion, inflammation and circulation issues.







10TurmericOrganic Turmeric Essential Oil–  may be used for sinusitis and toothache is spicy bitter and warm. Enters the spleen and liver meridians. Turmeric is noted for a  remedy for shoulder pain. (according to traditional Chinese wisdom) Turmeric is as effective as 14 drugs.(2)





Organic Lemon Essential Oil-consider for kitchen cleanser, diffuse and clean the air, antiseptic, and digestion.
Reverseage Organic Therapeutic Essential Oils are Gifts from Mother Nature!
Consider for:
Respiratory Issues
Digestion Issues
Dry skin
Bug Bites
Muscle Aches

6 essential Oils   15ml each

1- There is weight gain when taking medications. One can never gain weight using organic essential oils!
2- Turmeric  Science claims turmeric is as effective as 14 different medications.